Centro Studi Arti della Modernità

Ottobre 2022

Laurea Honoris Causa in Filosofia a Horst Bredekamp

Laurea Honoris Causa

Cerimonia per il conferimento della Laurea Honoris Causa in Filosofia a Horst Bredekamp

Giovedì 27 ottobre 2022, dalle ore 15 presso l’Auditorium del Complesso Aldo Moro (Via Verdi 41)


La motivazione del conferimento della Laurea in Filosofia: Horst Bredekamp, il cui magistero ci ha consentito di concepire a pieno il significato fondante delle immagini in tutti gli ambiti della vita individuale e sociale.

Per ragioni organizzative è necessario confermare la partecipazione entro martedì 25 ottobre 2022 compilando il form di registrazione (Link).

L’evento viene trasmesso in diretta streaming su Unito media (Link).

Qui il programma dell’evento (Link).

Laurea Honoris Causa in Filosofia a Horst Bredekamp Read More »

What we talk about when we talk about Urban Morphology?

URBAN morphology

ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) Philosophical Seminar


October, 19. h 6pm

Palazzo nuovo (piano terra, Sala Lauree Ex-Lettere) & Online via webex: LINK TO PARTICIPATE


Prof. Marco Trisciuoglio

(Politecnico, Turin)

Human settlements, as anthropological products, show to have their own form. Reading and interpretating those forms is an important phase in urban analysis that preludes the urban design (communities of human beings, with their practices, their behaves, their interests, their dreams, their conflicts, move on a physical stage that is made by space and by stones, bricks, wood, glass, steel and concrete). The Italian school of Urban Morphology links the form of the city to the tectonics of buildings and to the interpretation of topography, passing through the taxonomic tool of the idea of “architectural type”. A first approach to these topics can be developed introducing the studies by Saverio Muratori and Gianfranco Caniggia (between the Fifties and the Eighties of the 20th sentury) and describing the paradigm of “transitional morphologies”, able nowadays to describe the urban dynamics of urban forms.


What we talk about when we talk about Urban Morphology? Read More »

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